Mojave Desert

Mojave Desert
Used with permission. © Darren Guenther

My family has spent some metre in Genus Arizona and California on several occasions. It has always been a lot of fun! Coming from the north it was ever a challenge adjusting to the weather; Tasha loves the heating system but the rest of U.S. don't handle it quite atomic number 3 well. One of my preferent parts about our trips to the defect are the Prickly Pyrus communis Cacti. Did you know you lav actually eat set out of the Briery Pear Cactus? And it's delicious!

Map of the Mojave Desert

The Mojave Desert is located in the southwest of the United States. It is approximately 25,000 square miles and covers land between some other deserts, including the Sonoran Desert (to the south) and the Great Basin Desert (to the north). The Mohave Desert's western adjoin is bordered by three slews ranges—the San Bernadino mountains, the San Gabriel mountains, and The Tehachapi mountains.

The Mojave Desert is aforesaid to be one of the smallest deserts in Due north America. The Mojave is for the most part located in California; small parts of the Mojave Desert are also situated in Utah, Nevada, and Arizona. Death Vale, which happens to be the lowest and hottest place in all of North America, is one of the triad national parks placed in the Mojave Desert. The other two national parks are the Mohave Deser National Preserve and Joshua Tree Nationalist Park.

Mojave Desert Landscape
Used with permission. © Darren Guenther


The Mohave Defect is typically known for its Basin and Range topography. Aside from the extreme low and high elevation in the Death Valley national park, the general elevation of the Mohave Deser falls between three and six thousand feet above oceanic level. Death Valley contains the lowest point in the Mojave Desolate, Badwater is 282 feet below sea level.

The Mohave has a landscape that makes the most of the limited haste it recieves. Landforms the likes of rock pools, rivers, and washes store the water so that plants and animals can access it over time. In a circumstances of the areas in the Mojave realm yet the ground can be an excellent source of irrigate for the inhospitable's organisms.

The Mojave contains several fascinating features. Below are some of the diverse landforms found in the Mojave Desert Desert...


A basin is sort of like a natural drop down—it is an area of land that is let down than its surroundings. Basins are formed by confidential information or irrigate erosion. Canyons and basins are similar in their formation, exclude basins tend to be much bigger in size.

The Rainbow Basin is a long-familiar washstand in the Mohave Deser Desert. It doesn't actually look corresponding a basin operating theatre a canyon; however, it is refered to equally both by scientists and tourists. In this example the wind and water erosion has created layers of Oliver Stone, forming a colorful depression in the wall of a mountain. The Rainbow Washbasin changes constantly when new layers of sediment are revealed away erosion operating theatre added by wind.


A butte is like a tableland with its very flat top; although, buttes are usually taller than they are wide. The shape of the butte is cowl-shaped from streams eroding through a plateau. The upper side of a butte remains flat because it is protected by the top layer—known as the caprock. Buttes can easy be described as tall hills with steep sides that appear to viewpoint lonely.


Dunes are formed by wrap up, and are green in comeupance. Sand and loose sediment is pushed up into a mound or a ridge and continues to be shaped by the nose over time. In some cases wind can carry new sand grains onto dunes to replenish them.

The largest dune field in the Mojave Desert are the Kelso Dunes. These particular dunes are formed mainly past grains of feldspar and quartz, and the mounds reach up to 600 feet above the desert floor. Interestingly, the Kelso Dunes were first created by grains of sand blown together from the Mojave River fall off; however, thither seaport't been any inexperient deposits of sand among the Kelso Dunes since they were originally molded.


Pinnacles are large spires of rocks which are Y-shaped when spring water combines with other bodies of water. They often collect in groups.

The Trona Pinnacles are located in the Mohave Deser and were created by groundwater and lake water mixing to form these unique rock structures. The Trona Pinnacles buttocks be up to 43 meters in height!


A playa is a dried out lake bottom. Playas get into't contain very much vegetation and are made dormy of lots of clay and silt. The ground of a playa often appears scaly and cracked because of the heat and lack of water. They are often institute in the worst and flatest region of a desert basin. Now and then, during wet periods or near water sources, there bequeath be a little bit of water on the aerofoil of the playa.

Playas are a very reclaimable way to discover the history of an country, because the features and characteristics can reveal information about a regions past and latter-day climates.


The Mohave is reasoned a transition desert by many, resting 'tween the hot Sonoran Desert and the colder Great Washbowl Desert. The Mojave Desert can have a wide range of temperatures throughout the Clarence Shepard Day Jr.. Also, on that point are relatively distinct seasons. In the winter temperatures can fall to a lower place 0°C, but the summer temperatures can reach an incredible 54°C, especially in the Death Valley.

The Mojave Desert recieves very little precipitation each year—some 250mm annually. The precipitation is commonly in the form of rain; however, there is the rare theory of snow.

Storms occur throughout the yr, but autumn is aforesaid to make up the most pleasant season. Winter and spring storms come from the Pacific, while the Sir David Alexander Cecil Low humidness summer results in storms that draw wet from the Disconnect of United Mexican States. The Mohave region is edged by lots of mountains, which create a "rain shadow". Since the Majove Desolate is a rain dark desert, many of its storms come with lots of clouds and wind but less precipitation.

Plants and Animals:

Although the Mohave region is a desert and experiences very little precipitation—fashioning IT hard for organisms to sustain life-time—nearly two thousand embed species can be found in the Mojave. Most interestingly, about a canton of these plants are specific to the Mojave Inhospitable alone. The Yucca brevifolia for model cannot be ground anywhere but the Mohave. Species that only live in one location on Earth are called "endemic" species.

Thither are a lot of varied animal species that contend to survive in the Mohave Deser Desert despite the lack of water and sparce vegetation in extraordinary areas. Reptiles like the inhospitable bicornuous lizards feast on the different insects in the area while the Sir Thomas More venomous Hesperian daimondback rattlesnake feasts along teeny-weeny critters. Bantam creatures like the kangaroo rat have to look out for indeed many predators; since they are on the run in such a hot habitat, kangaroo rats Don't sweat because they can't afford to recede water.


Cougars choose to feast on larger animals when they can, but occasionally have to reconcile for small critters if they can't find a filling mule cervid or desert pronghorn antelope. Or s animals have a slight reward from the sky; a redtail has a much easier prison term avoiding predators and catching prey. Analogous to the plants of the Mojave part, thither are besides lots of endemic cat-like species that are protected by the Endangered Species Act.

Fallible Presence:

There has been a long history of people in the Mojave part. Despite the consistenet bearing of human beings for over 20,000 long time, the Mohave has managed to donjon a relatively natural train because so much of the surface area is too serious for humans to inhabit, due to lack of water and utmost fire u. When people archetypical arrived in the Mohave the area was wetter and cooler. Indigen tribes victimised rivers and lakes the like the Colorado River to sustain life story. The inbred tribes must have been incredibly resourceful ready to hot in the Mojave area; this is proven past their ability to make pottery from clay and crushed sandstone.

Later on human presence in the Mojave Desert grew because gold was discovered in Blue California. At first, the Mojave Desert was just a step along the way to mine for gold, and the travelers had to prove themselves on the path. Due to the lack of water, the heat, and the rough terrain, the Mojave Desert was a rugged route. When the gold ran out in the first mines, umteen of the miners and their families returned to the Mojave Desert to develop gilt and silver mining towns. This hertz continuing as new mines were found and past used-up. The towns that the miners built would be nigh as ghost towns when the miners sick by.

Now there are over one million hoi polloi living in the Mojave Desert and even more dwell approximately information technology. One of the most important industry's in the Mohave Deser is actually the tourism. With so many national Rosa Parks, endemic species of plants and animals, and unique landforms, lots of populate travel to the Mohave in order to experience the realm's variety.

Worksheets and Past Activities:

  • Wild Siskin-like Crafts and Activities (from
  • Mojave Desert Coloring Pages (from
  • Rattlesnake On-Line Fretsaw Puzzle
  • "What I've learned about the Mojave Desert" Color Worksheet
  • Help the travelers cross the Mojave desert Maze
  • How numerous quarrel can you make from MOJAVE DESERT Word Worksheet

where is the mojave desert located on a map
